Success is not based on fractions of a percent. An overall process for maximizing not only the net value, but the benefits of having wealth forms the foundation of the Aufman Associates approach.
Income taxes impact all of us. It all comes down to what you get to keep. On April 15 there is little to do about the tax you owe. However, ongoing tax planning allows strategies to be implemented to minimize the burden of federal and state tax. Oversite confirms that tax benefits are captured. Coordination keeps things on course.
Federal estate tax and inheritance tax is the most significant threat to family wealth. A dollar of value today could erode to 31 cents for your grandchildren. Aufman Associates serves the third generation of many of our client families. Strategies are implemented to eliminate or minimize tax burden. We have experience with the development and management of these strategies, and have seen their success first hand across generations.
Estate planning, trust planning, and the creation of protective structures are designed to protect from the unknown both during lifetime and for the family. Aufman Associates, based on decades of experience, guides clients on pairing flexibility with protection. This allows wealth to continue to provide benefit over a long period of time.
Total compensation takes many forms and this changes over time. Aufman Associates provides not only guidance but also oversite for benefit plans, equity compensation, and other benefits common to a senior executive.
Traditional financial planning is needed at all income and asset levels. Planning for retirement, support for the family, and education planning for children or grandchildren are just a few examples.
Aufman Associates provides ongoing reporting and tracking of not only investments, but net worth, tax, insurance, structures, equity compensation, etc. If needed, we additionally provide cash-flow and living expense accounting.